Episode 100: Mix Tape

Hello Stationeers!
Welcome to this Episode 100 bonus, I promise the last of the Episode 100 material. Probably.
Anyway, in this bit of nonsense you will find some outtakes from the last couple if years of the podcast along with some unused AI “Previously on” songs.
Be warned! There are some swears in this episode!
We’ll be back with some more proper stuff soon, so keep your eyes peeled on your feeds.

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
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Minisode #17: Horizons Live at the Roxy 1973

Greetings Stationeers!
Welcome to this latest minisode, in which I give you my review of Horizons Live at the Roxy 1973, an unofficial live release from AudioVaults. And by “unofficial” I of course mean it’s a bootleg.
Anyway, listen in to find out what I think of this release and whether you should buy it or not. If you decide you do want to buy it, click the link here.

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
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New Year Special 2024

Greetings Stationeers!
Happy New Year to everyone listening, I hope you’ve had a safe and enjoyable holiday season. To round it off I present a New Year Special, reviewing the 1979 Kate Bush Christmas Special as broadcast on the BBC. It features non other than Peter Gabriel as a special guest star.
You can find a vinyl copy of it here if you’re interested. We’ll be back with more episodes in 2025.

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
Facebook group. We would love to hear from you.

Episode 100: Jukebox Episode 26

Hello there Stationeers!
The episode 100 celebrations continue here with this special Jukebox episode which I managed to retrieve from “the other world” before it was destroyed.
It stands as the final remaining piece of that place, a testament if you will to those people lost so we could survive. Still, could be worse eh?

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
Facebook group. We would love to hear from you.

Episode 100: Side B

100 Colour
The Revelation Station
starring Gary Starr & Simon Heldreich in
Shed Seven
The search for a way home leads Gary and Simon
to the other side of the world and to the home of a
reclusive genius with a penchant for jam. Surprised
to see his doppelgangers, Gary 2 agrees to help them
get home, with the assistance of his advanced AI,
But as the clock ticks they realise that they may have
bitten off more than they can chew. Will Honey, Gary
2 and Yanov be enough to save the day? Or will the
fate of multiple universes lie in the hands of our two
feckless podcasters?
Colin Hidershem…………..……VIKTOR KARAKTUR
Richmond Leishi………..…….…YANOV KARAKTUR



Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
Facebook group. We would love to hear from you.

Episode 100: Side A

100 Colour
The Revelation Station
starring Gary Starr & Simon Heldreich in
My Life Story
Gary and Simon are back in The Revelation Station pub,
but for how long? When an old friend calls, the hapless~
duo are thrust into a world which looks like their own…
but is it?
Not only does Simon come face to face with himself, he
also reunites with someone long thought missing. And if
the past is catching up with Simon, where does that leave
Edmon Hirschlei………………………….…..BARMAN
Ray Grast……….………………,,,RICKSHAW DRIVER
Colin Hidershem……….…..……VIKTOR KARAKTUR
Richmond Leishi………….……..….…………………???
Hayley Cummins……….…..………,……………HELEN
David Broadbent……….…..……….SECURITY GUARD
Stephen Cummins……….…..………………..DIRECTOR



Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
Facebook group. We would love to hear from you.

Episode 100: 8-Track

Welcome back to The Revelation Station!
Episode 100 is almost here, but before that allow me to catch you up on what went on previously in this short prologue.
The episode will be split into two parts - Side A & Side B - and released over the following two weeks. If you want them sooner you can subscribe on Patreon and get them both right now! If you don’t want to commit to a monthly subscription you can buy all the parts of Episode 100, including Patron exclusives for a one off payment of £3. Click the link below.

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below

Jukebox Episode 25: Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End

Welcome back to The Revelation Station Jukebox!
In this episode I’ll be having a listen to a cover of The Beatles classic Golden Slumbers…(and the rest) which is taken from the classic early 90’s documentary “Pumpin Iron” narrated by the actor Phil Collins.
The film was a smash hit, and followed a series of bodybuilders as they aimed to become Mr Universe. As well as the narration, Phil also provided this song which played out over the closing credits. I won’t spoil the ending of the film for you but needless to say it was a nail-biting final act!
Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
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Jukebox Episode 24: Burn Down The Mission

Greeting Stationeers!
Welcome back to the Jukebox. In this episode I’ll be listening to a cover of King Crimson singer Elton John’s 1970 hit single Burn Down The Mission.
You probably know that Elton John joined Crimson for their second album In The Wake Of Poseidon, following the departure of Greg Lake. His songwriting skills, coupled with the genius of guitarists Robert Fripp and later Steven Hackett, propelled Crimson into the all conquering stadium act they became. When they split in 1980 Elton went on to even greater solo succes, until finally retiring in 2023 following the conclusion of his “Return to Tumbleweed” tour.
Burn Down The Mission became a much loved Crimson live song, appearing on the “Live Songs In Aspic” double album in 1977. This cover is taken from the Elton John biopic “In The Wake of Elton” released on 1991, performed by actor Phil Collins as part of his starring role as Elton himself. Sadly, the film was a flop so you’ve probably not heard this version.

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
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Jukebox Episode 23: True Colours

Hello again Stationeers!
Welcome to another Jukebox episode. In this episode I’ll be having a listen to the song True Colours, by the female singer who took on the biggest shoes in the prog business - replacing Ray Wilson as the lead singer of Genesis in 2008!
Before that she was quite well known as a solo artist and this song was her second USA number one, way back in 1986.
I’ll also be digging into a little known cover version by the actor Phil Collins, taken from the soundtrack to “Brinks” in which he plays Anthony Black, the inside man for the Brinks Mat Robbery. I’m sure you’ve seen it, it won an Oscar and everything.

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
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Jukebox Episode 22: Swing your pants...

Hello there Stationeers!
Welcome back to another track from The Revelation Station Jukebox. This one came in just under the wire for Patrons, celebrating Ray Wilson’s birth month of September. For everyone else (that’s you) it’s just after. What can I say? You should deffo subscribe.
Anyway, celebrating Ray Wilson on the eve of Genesis releasing their 25th album, Stuttering Stars, which of course is their 11th to feature the Scots singer. For this episode I thought I’d go back to Ray’s beginnings, before he took Genesis on to even greater success than they managed with previous singers Phil Colling and Peter Habriel. It seems like only last year that the band won an Oscar for “Best Biopic” for the movie about the making of Calling All Stations. Who can forget Liam Neeson’s incredible turn as Ray, or Tom Hanks as Tony Banks?
But I digress. Enjoy this peek into the early years, with the Guaranteed Pure song “Swing Your Bag”.
Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
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Jukebox Episode 21: In The Air Of The Night

Well hello there Stationeers, this is a lovely surprise, come in come in.
I’ve just got a new Jukebox episode all ready for you, a bit of a rare one this time. I’ll be listening to the debut single by actor turned singer Phil Collins, In The Air Of The Night. This is a little song about how a man was drowning and another man could have helped but didn’t. So the story goes, Phil saw it all and then later at a concert he found him! Can you believe that?
Anyway, I’ve never heard this song, it wasn’t very popular back in the day, although Phil did release a few more records he never sold much and soon went back to his movie career. A shame as this song shows some real potential.
Anyway, that’s enough from me, have a listen to the episode and see what you think of this obscure gem.

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
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Jukebox Episode 20: Fisherman's Song

Hello again Stationeers!
Do you dream of your love from afar? Sigh… me too.
Anyway, in this Jukebox episode you can lament-along-a-Peter Gabriel with this track from the Anglo-German audiobook Die Nixe/The Mermaid. It’s rarely heard but not hard to get hold of. But is it worth it?
Also in this episode, my exclusive “Complete Mix” of the song!

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
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Jukebox Episode 19: Going Home

Hello again Stationeers, and welcome back to The Revelation Station Jukebox!
In this episode I’ll be having a good old listen to the recently released Going Home by Mark Knopfler.
Why? Well, there is a Genesis connection which you will discover by listening to the podcast.
You can download the song from Teenage Cancer Trust here.
Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
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Jukebox Episode 18: While The Earth Sleeps

Greetings Stationeers!
Welcome to the last of my mini-series highlighting tracks that feature Peter Gabriel. I hope you’ve been enjoying these discoveries, why not get in touch and let me know your thoughts. I’m also interested to hear your suggestions for other tracks I could cover in future episodes.
Anyway, this week’s track is While The Earth Sleeps by Deep Forest. It’s taken from the soundtrack to 1995 movie Strange Days. I’ll say no more now, you’ll find out more in the episode.
I’ll be back sooner rather than later with more episodes. Keep your eye on your podcast feed and remember to subscribe and leave a review wherever you can.

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
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Jukebox Episode 17: My Secret Place

Greetings Stationeers!
Welcome to My Secret Place, episode 17 of The Revelation Station Jukebox. In this one I’ll be listening to the Joni Mitchell duet with Peter Gabriel, My Secret Place. Taken from her 13th studio album, Chalk Mark In A Rain Storm released in 1988, it was recorded at Peter’s Ashcombe House studio and also features Manu Katche on drums.
I’ll be back next week with one last minisode (for now) so keep your eyes on your podcast feeds.

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
If you’d like to share your thoughts about this episode or your opinions of the podcast in general, you can email us at revelationstationpodcast@gmail.com, leave a comment below or join our
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Jukebox Episode 16: Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa

Welcome back to The Revelation Station Jukebox!
I present for your approval a song by the UK electronic act Hot Chip. A cover of a Vampire Weekend song called Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa. It’s another one to feature a vocal from Peter Gabriel so have a listen and let me know what you think.|
Join me next week for the penultimate episode in this mini-series.

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
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Jukebox Episode 15: A.I.

Greeting Stationeers and welcome back to The Revelation Station Jukebox!
In the second of 5 mini-episodes I present the song A.I. by American band One Republic. Why this song? you ask, well, listen to the episode to find out!

Thanks for listening to this episode. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast you can donate the price of a coffee to help run the website by clicking this link. All donations are gratefully received and give you access to 10 exclusive minisodes only available to people who donate.
To get access to episodes a week early, and also 6 (or more!) bonus episodes per year please think about becoming a Patron for just £1 at
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